Post date: Aug 06, 2011 7:27:48 PM

Launched the site today! It has been a long journey from getting my Cupcake printer back in August 2010. Designing and making Prodos was a lot of fun and only took about 2 months. Putting Prodos online was a much longer and more arduous ;-) process at around 4 months. However I learned a lot by making all of the assembly presentations ... such as Roth (the next prototype) will have a much simpler joint design (no more ball bearings, washers, nuts!). I'd like to give a special thanks to the numerous people who gave me detailed feedback on the site (JD, Michael F., Ben, Soren, Willy, and many others), and to Stewart Dixon for his great photography!

A shot of Prodos being the newest thing on thingiverse